After a lot of searching on the internet I couldn’t find a simple function to generate a Gaussian kernel mask of a given size and variance.
Hence the following code:
% ---------------------------------------------------------
% Author: Shashank G. Sawant
% Date: November 04, 2009
% Title: Generation of 2D Gaussian kernel mask
% Details:
% Mask Size: size x size = (2*k+1)x(2*k+1)
% Variance: Sigma
% Notes: The program is inefficient but easy to understand
% Also it accepts only odd numbers as its size parameter
% ---------------------------------------------------------
function H=gkm(size,sigma)
for i=1:(2*k+1)
for j=1:(2*k+1)
The results of the same are as follows:
Result 1::
>> ceil(159*gkm(5,1.3))
ans =
2 4 5 4 2
4 9 12 9 4
5 12 15 12 5
4 9 12 9 4
2 4 5 4 2
The above result is quite a standard in the literature explaining Canny Edge Detection
Result 2:
>> format long
>> gkm(7,0.84089642)
ans =
Columns 1 through 4
0.000000667834529 0.000022915625609 0.000191165460524 0.000387705531367
0.000022915625609 0.000786311390357 0.006559523253494 0.013303467276683
0.000191165460524 0.006559523253494 0.054720490941357 0.110979446595403
0.000387705531367 0.013303467276683 0.110979446595403 0.225079076498442
0.000191165460524 0.006559523253494 0.054720490941357 0.110979446595403
0.000022915625609 0.000786311390357 0.006559523253494 0.013303467276683
0.000000667834529 0.000022915625609 0.000191165460524 0.000387705531367
Columns 5 through 7
0.000191165460524 0.000022915625609 0.000000667834529
0.006559523253494 0.000786311390357 0.000022915625609
0.054720490941357 0.006559523253494 0.000191165460524
0.110979446595403 0.013303467276683 0.000387705531367
0.054720490941357 0.006559523253494 0.000191165460524
0.006559523253494 0.000786311390357 0.000022915625609
0.000191165460524 0.000022915625609 0.000000667834529
The above result matches with the following Wikipedia article: